Acquire skills in the care and feeding of dairy cattle and in milk production work so as to be able to act as a farm animal care worker or farm relief worker for dairy barns. Study units of vocational qualification in Agriculture (not the entire qualification): Working in the agricultural sector (Toiminta maatalousalalla 15 osp) and Species-specific production and taking care of welfare (=Milk production and taking care of dairy cattle) (Eläinlajikohtainen tuotanto ja hyvinvoinnista huolehtiminen 20 osp).
Training starts on 19 August 2024 (the students musto be present at the college).
Contents of the studies
Work duties:
Daily works in a farm: machineworks, works in a barn, small construction works, small forestry works
Daily and seasonal care and feeding of dairy cattle
Using of machines, equipment and automation of barn
Maintenance and repair of barn
Basics of production animal husbandry
Basics of plant production
Basics of forestry
Circular farm economy
Occupational safety
Year of a farm
Initial shutdown
Behavior, handling and environmental requirements of dairy cattle
Health care of dairy cattle
Reproductive cycle of dairy cattle
Fodder and feeding of dairy cattle
Application of the feeding plan
Production quality and responsibility
Farm-specific breeding work
Finnish language and culture studies (about 3 months period at the beginning of the studies)
Training arrangements:
Training is planned for each student personally:
- Studies at the educational institution (theory studies and working on the school barn)
- Acquiring knowledge and skills by working on farms (not paid or paid)
After the basic studies competent students have an opportunity to make apprenticeship contract with farm or relief worker office (contract includes salary)
Most studies and all competence test/vocational skills demonstration are in Finnish language.
Students have free accommodation in the school's dormitories. During the school week, breakfast, lunch and dinner are also free (not in the weekend).
In the Finnish countryside, there is very little public transport and the distances are long. It is recommended that students have a driver's license and, at the end of their studies, also own car for going to practical training. Farm relief workers use their own car to go to work.
Finnish vocational education and training https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=mzRklnHP5iU&feature=youtu.be
Information about Farmers' holiday and stand-in scheme in Finland
Linkki tutkinnon perusteisiin
Instructions for applying for training:
1. First submit an electronic application (link HAE/ILMOITTAUDU)
2. After the application send a short letter of motivation (explain why you want this training and why this training is right for you). Max 2000 characters. Send a letter to this email address: eija.maki-ullakko@kpedu.fi
3. Send a max. 3 min long video where you introduce yourself in English or Finnish (who you are, where you're from, what you've studied, what jobs you've done, etc..). Send the video as a WhatsApp message to +358 44 7250637 (Eija Mäki-Ullakko)
4. The motivation letter and video must be sent by November 15, 2023.
5. After you have submitted the application, you will receive instructions on how to complete the preliminary task. You do that in the itslearning online learning environment.
6. Based on the application, video, motivation letter and preliminary task, 30 applicants will be selected for the interview. The interviews will be held in week 49. Those who will participate in the training will be selected from these 30 applicants.
More information on education:
Hanna-Mari Laitala, p. +358 44 725 0682, hanna-mari.laitala(at)kpedu.fi
Eija Mäki-Ullakko, p. +358 44 725 0637, eija.maki-ullakko(at)kpedu.fi
The email addresses of the staff are the form: